Wet Season:Citra 2023


Hops:Roy Farms Citra Wet Hops, Frozen-Fresh Citra, Citra Cryo.


Canned 9/23/2023

Roy Farms in the Yakima Valley produces some of the best Citra hops in the world, and we are extremely proud and excited to present this wet-hopped IPA featuring their fine hops. On brew-day, fresh from the field Citra hops are packed into the whirlpool at a rate of 25 pounds per barrel. We amplified this extravagance with a dry-hop of frozen-fresh Citra and Citra Cryo.The end result is a scintillating exhibition of the full-potential of Citra hops; expansive flavors and aromas of melon, white peach, lychee, papaya, and sweet citrus zest are in full force, grabbing and holding your attention. A gentle malt character, medium-body and low bitterness form the backdrop for this seasonal celebration of Citra.